This year for Halloween my girls had some interesting ideas on what they wanted to wear. Peyton came up with a flower princess idea (because she loves princesses and anything pretty) and Skyler wanted to be Hawk Moth (the villain on a show she likes). Neither of these are costumes we could easily go out and buy, so I got to be very creative.
I brainstormed the flower princess idea for a couple of weeks before remembering an awesome dress/tutorial I had seen several years before. The dress I remembered basically looked like an upside down flower and was stunning. I used it as the inspiration for Peyton’s skirt and it was a lot of fun to make. When I started I was very unsure how it would turn out, but it went really well and Peyton loves it!
Skyler’s costume involved a lot less DIYing. We started with some thrifted clothing and added in a few handmade details.
You can check out my video HERE where I share step by step progress photos and much more!
Let me know if you’re dressing up this year. If so, what is your costume?? Until next time, Happy Sewing!