Quilt coats. They are very popular right now, along with quilt dresses, quilt bags, and just about quilt everything. You can’t scroll through Instagram or Pinterest very long without seeing something made from an old quilt.
I know there are a lot of opinions about quilt coats and if handmade quilts should or should not be cut up and repurposed. I’m not here to argue that point. I’m here to talk about the quilt coat I’m making…from scratch.
Yes, I am making a quilt, pieces of a quilt really, to then make a coat. When I restarted Sew Your Stash last Fall I knew I wanted to make something with my scraps. I don’t really need another quilt so I decided to make the quilt coat I had been dreaming about.
My favorite method of quilting with scraps is paper piecing. It doesn’t involve as much accurate cutting or sewing as traditional quilting. I ended up getting out my Accuquilt cutting machine and realized I had two dies (the large triangles and the kite die) that would work for making spider web quilt blocks. I made a spider web quilt several years ago. That time around I hand cut all the pieces which took much more time!

With the spider web quilt being paper pieced I can sew a little here and a little there as I have time. I have pieced 50-55 triangles so far and will need many more, but it’s a good start! I’ve incorporated tons of scraps from old projects making this a fun walk down memory lane as I sew. The linked video shows how I use the accuquilt to go from a piece of newspaper to a finished quilt block.
So, what do you think of quilt coats? Do you love them or hate them?
Until next time, Happy Sewing