Is there anything cuter than a bunny mermaid?!? Yes there is! It’s a bunny mermaid whose tail looks like a carrot! After designing my purrmaid cross stitch pattern I thought it would be fun to design some other mer-animals. The first one that came to mind was a bunny. I couldn’t seem to get the tail design right at first. It was lacking something, then I got the idea of taking inspiration from a carrot for the tail design and that was exactly what it needed!
I stitched the merrabbit up and absolutely love it! I finished it on a carrot shape made from fabric covered foam board (finishing video coming soon on my cross stitch channel).
I recently sat down in my garden to chat a little about this design. You can watch that video HERE!
The full color cross stitch pattern is now available in my etsy shop.

What other animals would you like to see transformed into mer-friends?!?
If you stitch this or any of my other designs I would LOVE to see them! Please share pics using #StitchedWithWhitney
Until next time, Keep Stitching!